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January 13, 2009

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Sets Hearing on Economic Recovery January 15

The U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs will hold a hearing Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 2:30 PM to examine proposals to create jobs and help bring about economic recovery in Indian Country. One of the proposals to be examined is the plan Chairman Byron Dorgan and 14 other members of the United States Senate have sent to President-elect Barack Obama, asking that he make it part of his own economic recovery and jobs creation package.
Some of the nation’s highest unemployment is on the nation’s Indian reservations.
Details follow:
WHO: U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Senator Byron Dorgan, Chairman; and other members of the committee.
WITNESSES: Dr. Robert Middleton, Director, Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development, Department of Interior, accompanied by Mr. Jack Rever, Director of Facilities, U.S. Department of Interior; Ms. Jackie Johnson-Pata, Executive Director, National Congress of American Indians (NCAI); Ms. Robin Butterfield, Vice President, National Indian Education Association (NIEA); Mr. Reno Franklin, Chairman, National Indian Health Board (NIHB); Ms. Julie Kitka, Executive Director, Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN).
WHAT: Hearing to examine proposals to create jobs and help bring about economic recovery in Indian Country.
WHEN: 2:30 PM, Thursday, January 15, 2009
WHERE: 628 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.
