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ROUNDTABLE on Building a Financial Foundation: Access to Capital in Native Communities

Date: August 22, 2011
Time: 9:00 AM

Hosted by Loretta A. Tuell, Majority Staff Director / Chief Counsel


Location: Hawaii Convention Center
Room 301B
Honolulu, Hawaii

Topics: The Committee is interested in hearing about challenges,
solutions and successes in accessing capital for Native
community development initiatives, including:

• Loan Guarantees & Alternative Lenders
• Economic Development & Job Creation Strategies
• Housing—Self-Help, New Construction & Rehabilitation
• Renewable Energy, Infrastructure & Access
• Cultural Preservation & Sacred Sites Care

RSVP: Please let us know if you plan to attend this event and if you have any particular issues you would like discussed at the

• By phone: Christiane Cardoza at 202-224-2251; or
• E-mail: