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Legislative Hearing

Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S. 556

Date: April 2, 2003
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Russell
Room: 485
  • S. 556, the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Reauthorization of 2003


Panel 1

Panel I

Dr. Charles Grim

Interim Director, Indian Health Service
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Rockville, MD - Accompanied by: MR. MICHEL LINCOLN, Deputy Director, Indian Health Service, Rockville, MD, DR. CRAIG VANDERWAGON, Director, Division of Clinical and Preventive Services, Office of Public Health, Indian Health Service, Rockville, MD, and MR. GARY HARTZ, Acting Director, Office of Public Health, Indian Health Service, Rockville, MD

Panel 2

Panel II

Ms. Julia Davis-Wheeler

National Indian Health Board (NIHB)
Denver, CO

Panel II

Mr. Don Kashevaroff

Representative, Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee
President and Chairman of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Anchorage, AK